Call for Papers 1. Presentation type * Oral presentation (40 min presentation + 10min Q&A) Panel presentation (40min presentation + 10min break + 40min presentation + 10min Q&A) 2. Preferred presentation date * Anytime over 2 days Anytime on Day 1 (Nov 15, Friday) Anytime on Day 2 (Nov 16, Saturday) 3. Session Title * 4. Topic Category * Leadership in languages Advocacy Innovative programs – models for success Australian Curriculum: Languages – Japanese The Current State of Japanese Language Education ICT Bilingual / Immersion Program 5. Target Audience * Primary Secondary Tertiary Research based General 6. Presentation Language * English Japanese English + Japanese 7. Total number of the presenters * 1 2 3 4 Other (please specify)Other (please specify) 8. Contact person for this session * 9. All presenter's details 9-1. A photo for the program - At least 1 MB resoluction * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 134.22MB 9-2. Title (eg, Mrs, Ms, Mr, Dr, Prof etc) * 9-3. Name * 9-3. Name First First Last Last 9-4. School / Institution Name in English * 9-5. Work Position in English * (e.g. Japanese teacher, Lecturer etc) 9-6. State / Territory * ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Other Country (Please specify)Other Country (Please specify) 9-7. Email * 9-8. Mobile Number * 9-9. Biography - approx. 50-100 words in English * plus1 Add minus1 Remove 10. Session Abstract From 10-1 to 10-4, the total should be approx. 300 words in English or 600 characters in Japanese. 10-1. Abstract - Target Audience (Who is it for? Who will benefit from your presentation?) * 10-2. Abstract - Outcome (What will attendees be able to do after your presentation?) * 10-3. Abstract - Focus (What will your presentation focus on?) * 10-4. Abstract - Insights / Conclusion (What will be the 'light bulb moment' for attendees? Or, your message in a nutshell.) * 11. Comment (if any) Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.