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Thank you very much for attending NSJLE 2024, hope it was a fruitful conference for you!

【Feedback Form】
Please fill out this feedback form in order to improve next NSJLE, your opinion is greatly appreciated.
This form will be closed on Nov 27, 2024 (Wed).

【Attendance Certificate】
All requested attendance certificates will be sent to your registered email address manually AFTER this
feedback form is closed (Nov 27, 2024). We appreciate your patience.

1. Do you need an attendance certificate?
All attendance certificates will be issued manually AFTER feedback deadline. We appreciate your patience.
2. Title
3. Name
3. Name
6. State / Territory
7. Teaching Level
8. Sector
9. Attendance date/s
10. Overall, how would you like to rate 2024 NSJLE?
14. Which is your preferred Symposium month?
15. Would you attend future Symposium?
16. Do you understand JPF Sydney Privacy Policy?


The Japan Foundation, Sydney

(02) 8239 0055

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